Access denied {{userModel.firstName}}

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My credit cards

You can add new credit card when you make purchase on (Save in ‘My cards’’).
You may have a maximum of three cards registered at any one time.
Here you can deregister a credit card that you no longer wish to use for purchases, or if the card details are no longer relevant.

Loading your credit cards ...

  • {{card.type}}
    Card number: {{card.maskedNumber}}
    Valid thru: {{}}

    Delete card

    Are you sure you want to delete the card?

You can have up to three credit cards registered. Please delete one of the credit cards if you want to register a new credit card.

You have no registered credit cards.

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Personal Component Placeholder

Your SJ Prio card

{{sjPrioModel.balance}} SJ Prio points {{sjPrioModel.membershipLevel}} Membership level

Points valid thru
{{ | sjDate}} {{pointsExpiration.points}}

Card number {{userModel.loyaltyCards[0].number}}

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Join SJ Prio

Join SJ Prio for free and make each trip count! Earn points on all SJ tickets and use them to treat yourself to something special.

My SJ Prio Overview Component Placeholder